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Well I am back!  I guess you could say I took a little break but that would be an understatement.  I simply got out of the habit of blogging and life got in the way.  I have always hoped my blog would be a scrapbook of sorts for Jake so he will have a little bit of a gap!  I will try to catch everyone up here!

Let it Snow 2012 and 2013

Jake is now 3 and will turn 4 in October.  Cute, sweet, smart, feisty, funny as all get out!  I can't say enough about this little man!  And he still LOVES his Mommie!

Isaac was born in May of 2012.  He is Jake's cousin and it took Jake a while to decide he liked Jenn again and it took Isaac even longer to decide he liked me.  Now we are buddies most days.  But he still mean mugs me a lot!  Isn't he a cutie!

Ben and Jane Claire are just growing so fast!  They are not little anymore!  :(  But they are great cousins and Jake loves them a ton!

Jake played t-ball!  It was a scream!  He would play a while, then sit down and refuse to move.  Most of the time he walked around the bases instead of running.  Sometimes he just decided to run to the dugout and forget running the bases BUT the snacks were great!

I changed jobs.  I left the hospital after 24 years and moved to long term care.  I love it!  I have more opportunity to be with Jake.

Jake went to 2 year old pre-school.  He loved it!  He made lots of great friends and learned a ton!  Painting was the best!  

He fell in love with TWO others girls!  First Mrs. Lisa and then Ellie!  Both are cute and sweet so I didn't mind to much.  Mrs. Lisa was his teacher (and my high school friend) and Ellie was his classmate.  

Jake and Ellie!

Jake and Mrs. Lisa

Anyway, we have lots of changes, lots of first, and FUN, FUN, FUN!

I promise to be more current with my blog!  Check back often to see more about Life with Jake's Mommie!

And stop by my friend McCall's blog to learn all about her adoption for the Democratic Republic of Congo and #helpbringemilyhome!

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