This is the story of me......
My life has always been chaotic. It's just a fact. I have grown to think of it is normal. People around me wonder what will happen next. When I finally got married my last name just happened to be Snow. So marry my chaotic life and a super cute last name and the theme to my life was born......."Let It Snow"
I am married to the only man brave enough to take me on for life. He is my best friend, loudest critic, biggest supporter, voice of reason, and partner for life. We couldn't be any more different but we love each other and that is all that matters right? His name is Jeff.
I am the mommie to the most amazing little man in the whole world. He was born in October 2009 and I became his Mommie through the miracle of adoption. He is beyond wonderful..there are no words for my love for this little guy. I love him "deeper than the ocean, wider than the sky". His name is Jake.
I am a daughter to the closest thing to a perfect mother you will ever find. She has always been my best friend, she holds me accountable, she is my role model for being Jake's Mommie, she loves me when no one else does. I am the luckiest daughter anywhere. Her name is Charlotte. My daddy went to his Heavenly reward in July 2010 but while on earth he was an awesome father. He thought I did no wrong, always supported me, and spoiled me rotten. He was also a great role model. His name was DE.
I live in the "deep south" in God's country. You may know it as Mississippi. So if you see a phrase you don't understand just chalk it up to southern english. I speak it well.
Follow me for frequent episodes of the sitcom I call life........ "Let It Snow"