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Train up a child......

So are you a believer?  We are at the Snow house and we are trying to raise Jake in an environment that will shape his future in a positive way and have him grow up loving the Lord and being a servant of His.  For me, it is really challenging.  I really don’t know why, I was raised in a Godly home with Godly parents that taught me about Jesus from as early as I can remember.  Church and church actives were something we did as a family and I loved it.  But for me, I have a hard time explaining all of Jakes questions, not only about God but about life.  He is just too dang smart for me!  He can out think me most of the time!

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it."  That has been ringing in my ears a lot lately.  God says if we train our children right they will not depart from it and become heathens.  I am trying my best to train Jake right but there aer so many things that I don't have anwers for.  Is that normal?

Here are some of the things that we try to teach Jake and the questions he asks.

Jesus Loves You.  Then he asks "where is Jesus?"  I explain that Jesus is in Heaven.  Then he wants to know where heaven is.  Then he wants to know who else is in Heaven.  I tell him family members names that I believe are in Heaven.   The questions continue with things like "where does Pop live in Heaven, does he have a house, how do you get to Heaven" And to be honest I don’t know how to answer so that a 3 year old will understand.  I try to give him the simplest answer on a 3 year old level that I can but I am not sure I am doing or saying the right things.

Is Jesus Mad?  This is usually asked when he doesn’t want to say his prayer or blessing.  I never say "yes Jesus is mad" I usually say "Jesus likes for you to pray to him and tell him what is on your mind" But is that the right answer?

To say his blessing and pray before bed every night.  I can honestly say he prays the sweetest prayers at night.  In his own little 3 year old way, he prays for his dog (and tells God what Mya has done bad that day), he tells The Lord what he has done bad, he prays for his ShuShu and his Daddy almost every night, and also prays for various other people.  Most people would hear the prayer and say it is wasted but I know the Lord understands what he means and what he is asking for.    His blessing is the old "God is good, God is great" but he has gone from everyone at the table saying it to wanting to say it by himself. 

To not judge people for who they are, what color their skin is, what the financial status is, what they have done in the past, what their sexual orientation is, etc.
Jeff and I both believe that you have to take people for who they are and what they are.  If someone is not friendly it may be because of something they are going through.  You never know what burden someone is carrying and a friendly response from someone might make all the difference in the world.  I believe most people are basically good people.  But we all struggle with different things and that makes a difference in who we are.  God made everyone equal so how can we judge based on skin color....that just doesn’t even make sense to me...Really?  I firmly believe I am not the judge.  If people don’t live like I do or believe what I believe it is not my place to pass judgment.  God is the judge of us all and I cannot be worried about someone else because there are plenty of things I will have to answer for.    Don't get me wrong, I think there are some cases when you have to be careful and protect yourself but there is never a reason to be ugly to someone or hurt their feelings just because you want to do so.   You can be nice to them, speak, treat them like you want to be treated and still protect yourself.   God don’t like ugly!  Jake does really well with this one and I hope it is something he will always embrace.  As he gets older, I am sure this one will get tougher but we are trying to lay the ground work now.

Respect   This is a tough one right now!  Jake is going through the terrible 2's at almost 4!  He just wants to do what he wants when he wants it.  He is big into hitting adults, locking doors in your face, all kinds of fun stuff.  And before you say "I'd whip his butt".  We have tried that....honestly doesn’t work!  Time out works OK but doesn’t really bother him, taking toys away - he could care less, the only thing that seems to work is not playing outside with the neighborhood kids.  So there are a lot of days that we don’t go out.   But I am praying that the basics of respect are there and it will kick back in.  We are just struggling for power now!  Of course, it is much worse with me and Jeff than any other adult.

Let me know your thoughts and how you handle all of the hard things that come with parenting!  I find myself praying a lot and just saying "Lord I don’t know what to do or what to say but help me do the right thing".

And of course, before you go you have to see a picture of my little man!  We went to get ice cream Saturday night and he did not even make it to get his...he was out like a light!  Jeff brought him the house and put him in the bed and Mya (his dog) could not find him.  She never lets him get very far and she was worried and looking everywhere.  I picked her up and showed her where he was and she had to get down.  She snuggled up next to him and went to sleep!  So Sweet! And to think I didn't really want a dog!

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